A collaborative approach
to hormonal wellness

Empowering women to embrace their hormonal health and tackle sustainable goals.
Book Your Appointment

A collaborative approach to hormonal wellness

Empowering women to embrace their hormonal health and tackle sustainable goals.
Book Your Appointment


Lab Testing (Blood Work)
Vitamin Injections
Botanical Medicine
Hormone Health
Nutritional Counselling
IV Therapy
(coming soon!)

Meet the Naturopathic Doctor

Three words to describe my care: educational, curious, collaborative.

Dr. Mackenzie's perspective on health and wellness was transformed after completing a Bachelor's in Nutritional and Nutraceutical Sciences at the University of Guelph. This transformative mindset led to recieving a Doctorate of Naturopathic Medicine from the Canadian College of Naturaopthic Medicine and now treating a range of health concerns.

Her clinical focus in hormonal health (irregular periods, PCOS, PMS, fertility) pediatric care, and fatigue/burnout are supported by her devotion to an evidence-based practice and a team-based approach.

Collaborative care and open conversation creates a comfortable environment to discuss your health concerns and goals.

She strives for balance and moderation in
her own life, while working hard to reach
a healthy state of being!

Ready to get started?

In person availability in Guelph, Dundas, and Waterdown Ontario!

Let's be friends!

A collaborative approach to hormonal wellness

Empowering women to embrace their hormonal health and tackle sustainable goals.
Book Your Appointment